Type in your nickname:

Notes : Live Chat

Please note: This is a beta version, so there are a few things to note.

  • When you want to leave the chatroom, click on the 'Exit' button. Closing the application using the 'X' at the top right-hand corner does not properly sign you off. This will be corrected in the next release.
  • Cookies - In order for your name to show up next to your text, you have to have cookies enabled on your browser. To do that, perform the following;

Right-click on Internet Explorer, goto properties. Click on the advanced tab, find the section labeled cookies. Click the option to enable cookies. Click OK twice, and then enter the chatroom.

**Keep a eye out for the release of this code, coming soon. If you wan't to see if anyone is in the chatroom, click on the button below. The snooper lets you see how many people are signed in, and the last 4 lines of conversation. This can be left open on your desktop for constant monitoring. **

LiveChat v2.61